Master Musicians of Joujouka
As you know Man and Van is a fan of Brian Jones and being a fan of Brian Jones I have discovered The Master Musicians of Joujouka. In the southern Rif Mountains of Northern Morocco Bachir Attar is the leader of the Master Musicians of Joujouka. Joujouka is an ancient village where the Master Musicians and the sanctuary saint Sidi Ahmed Sheikh live. The secrets and music of Joujouka have been passed down in generations for around 4000 years. The musicians are taught how to play this unique way of playing this complex music and after years of learning and concentration they finally become Malims of Masters. When they are finally called Malims or Master the possess Baraka which is the blessing of Allah and it gives them the power to heal, and they have the ability to play the most powerful music around.
The kingdom of Morocco has employed the Master Musicians to play for the king for many centuries. Being the kings royal musicians, they got privileges and to prove this they were given papers detailing there rights.
In the 1960 the Master Musicians did there first recording led by Bachir Attar’s farther (Hadji Abdessalem Attar), including Brian Jones.
Once a year for a couple of days you can buy tickets to go over to Joujouka and stay with the master musicians and there families. This is very generous of the Moroccan families as they supply you with food, drink, a place to stay, entertainment and a chance to join in with the festival and learn a bit about there culture.
Manchester removals has known about the festival for a good few years now, but it’s only now that I’m thinking of packing my bags and going over there. I’ve always wanted to but always been to busy, But luckily I’ve now had a place reserved for me to go over in June 2010 because there are only 50 places altogether. This is going to be an amazing experience and I can’t wait.
Man and Van does removals from the UK to Spain, which is a ferrie ride away from Morocco so hopefully round about the time Man and Van goes over to Joujouka i will have a job going there anyway instead of one of the workers. No rest for the wicked!!!!
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